Recently, I’ve been creating several Cordova plugins, and each time, setting up the initial directory and file structure required effort.

Since the structure of a Cordova plugin is relatively consistent, I thought it would be a great idea to build a scaffolding tool that generates the base structure based on user input.

I’d like to introduce this tool—an npm package called @havesource/create-cordova-plugin—which I developed to simplify this process.

There are three ways to use it:

🚀 Using npm’s initializer

In my opinion, this is the quickest way to get started.

  1. Open a terminal and navigate to the folder where you want to create the plugin.

    Note: This tool generates a folder based on the plugin name, so you don’t need to create the plugin directory manually.

  2. Run the following command:

    npm init @havesource/cordova-plugin@latest

    Note: Omitting the @latest tag will use the previously cached version instead of fetching the newest release.

npm will notify you that it needs to install the package @havesource/create-cordova-plugin. Once you confirm, it will install the package into cache and proceed with the scaffolding process.

npm init @havesource/cordova-plugin

🌍 Installing the package globally

If you plan to create multiple plugins or prefer not to rely on a cached version that may be cleared over time, you can explicitly install the package globally with the following command:

npm install -g @havesource/create-cordova-plugin@latest

Once installed, you can run the scaffolding tool from any directory using:


📂 Installing the package locally in a project

You can also install the package within a local project with the following command:

npm install @havesource/create-cordova-plugin@latest

This will allow you to manage the tool’s version on a project-by-project basis. Once installed, you can execute the following command within your project directory:

npx create-cordova-plugin

🛠️ The Scaffolding Tool Prompt

The tool asks a few questions to determine the plugin’s basic information and supported platforms.

For a complete and up-to-date list of questions, check out the package’s README: github:havesource/create-cordova-plugin.

As of this writing, the questions asked are:

  1. ID (npm package & directory name)

    • The npm package name (i.e., the Cordova plugin name) and the directory name where plugin files will be placed.
    • Example: cordova-plugin-sample
  2. Readable Name

    • A human-readable name for the plugin, written in plugin.xml.
    • Example: Cordova Sample Plugin
  3. Description

    • A short description explaining the plugin’s purpose, included in plugin.xml and package.json.
    • Example: A Cordova plugin that...
  4. License

    • The license under which your plugin will be distributed, written in SPDX format.
    • Note: The input is not validated, so double-check for typos.
    • Example: MIT, Apache-2.0, SEE LICENSE IN LICENSE (for custom or proprietary licenses).
  5. Author

    • The author (individual or organization) of the plugin, recorded in plugin.xml and package.json.
  6. Supported Platforms

    • Select the platforms your plugin will support.
    • Available options: Android, Electron, iOS.
    • The tool will update plugin.xml and package.json accordingly and scaffold the appropriate source directories and files.
  7. API Name

    • Defines the plugin’s API name, which is also used as the service file name for selected platforms.
    • Example: SamplePlugin
      • If Android is supported, it creates SamplePlugin.kt with class name SamplePlugin.
      • If iOS is supported, it creates SamplePlugin.swift with class name SamplePlugin.
      • Creates SamplePlugin.js in the www directory, exporting the SamplePlugin instance.
      • Ensures plugin.xml that defines the js-module and munges the instance into the window scope with window.SamplePlugin.
  8. Android Package Name

    • If Android is selected, this defines the plugin’s Android package name.
    • It also determines the directory structure where the service file is created.
    • Example: com.example.sampleplugin

That’s it! After you answer the questions above, the tool will create the directory structure and configure the necessary files.

Sample plugin’s directory structure

I hope you find this tool useful and that it helps speed up plugin development by simplifying the initial setup process.